We believe that the Christian approach to learning differs significantly from the secular viewpoint. TFCA, therefore, offers a curriculum rooted in a God-centered view of life. This view holds that God's truth is the standard for all truth. The curriculum, taught by a Christian faculty, provides the student with academic instruction consistent with the Christ-centered teaching received at home and church. Since we believe that God is the source of all wisdom and that He has revealed Himself specifically in the Bible, God's Word is the basis of all our studies and should be correlated with all experiences that the child has under the program of the school. Thus, all student and teacher materials are examined by our faculty and approved by the school administration with the intent of providing a quality and comprehensive Christian education.
Christian educational publishers are used as the primary resource for the school's curriculum. At this time, TFCA uses the curriculum published by Bob Jones University Press for grades K-8. TFCA provides a blended learning opportunity for grades 9-12 through Liberty University Online Academy to earn an accredited high school diploma.